The New Function of PSU CalPat Version 1.3: The Estimation of Forensic Statistic Values in Paternity Trio Test
PSU CalPat version 1.3 has a new function for calculating forensic statistic values in common paternity trio test, which has a high accuracy and high reliability than those of paternity duos test. A set of 15 loci of autosomal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) profiles from 110 families were selected from the database in the Forensic Medicine and Toxicology Unit, Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla University. Our study was divided into 4 groups: 50 families from the non-excluded trio of paternal, maternal and child, 20 families from non-excluded duo of maternal and child except paternal, 20 families from non-excluded duo of paternal and child except maternal and 20 families from excluded paternal, excluded maternal and child. A total of 1,650 loci were compared. The paternity index values calculated by the PSU CalPat version 1.3 were compared with those calculated by Microsoft Excel®. All compared loci showed the same results. In addition, the report was available to print in the Thai language that included the result’s interpretation with necessary forensic statistic values. PSU CalPat version 1.3 is an alternative database software for using in forensic DNA typing in Thailand.
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